春風 2016 は天候が一時危ぶまれたが、さすがパワーをもってる春風。一瞬雨は降ったものの、その後は曇りに落ち着き、素晴らしい2日間を体験できる最高のパーティーとなった。
前回や前々回の記事にて 「ここに来れば楽しい1日が過ごせるのは間違いない」 と断言したが、自身の体験と主観で言わせてもらうなら間違いなく、いや、それ以上にビックバンが多く起こった2日間だった。とにかく最高に楽しかった。
パーティーをみんなでつくる、花見を楽しむ、「春風 2016」 が運ぶまさに「春の風」 1年のスタートだ。
Although the weather has been threatened temporary in “Harukaze 2016”, Harukaze has truly the power. It was rain at the moment but it calm cloudy after that, and then it became the best party that can be a wonderful experience for two days.
In the previous article, although we affirmed” You can spend a fun day if you come here”, Big bang was a lot happened for two days by own experience and subjective, if you will. Anyway, I enjoyed best.
Bloom cherry tree, a meeting with friends, acquaintances and new people, if overlooks adults and children also dance, they made the toast to the party.
Children have been subjected to the paint on the face and body. It’ so cute!! As they are laughing all day, we are adults also who have fun and back to children. It was a very happy for two days.
Create a party with everyone and enjoy the cherry-blossom viewing.
“Harukaze (spring breeze) 2016” brings to us a lovely spring breeze. It became the best start of the year.
前回、前々回でお伝えしたとおり Green and Peaceでは、フェアトレード出店という枠で出店させていただいた。
Green and Peace メンバーは朝早くから起きて出店の準備に大忙しだったが、ブースを構える事で今回さらに人が人を呼びステキな出会いが何度も起こった。
In the previous article, Green and Peace were allowed to store openings in the framework of fair trade shops. Although the member of Green and Peace was busy preparing to open store in the early morning, besides the person is called the person that nice encounter has happened many times by set up the booth.
At first, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the guest and our stuff who has participated in the workshop.
ただそんな中でも自身一押しだった土曜日の中盤からLOVE STAGE で 行われた KO UMEHARA と Mamazuのプレイはやはり最高だった。
KO UMEHARAは春の風を呼び込む様な柔らかく繊細なセットを披露、しかし中盤から徐々に春風ではなく春嵐を呼びこむ激しくも吹き荒れるシビれる展開を見せてくれた。Mamazuはディープなミニマルのセットから徐々にビルドアップしていき、中盤、突然の中東系テクノセットに変わってきた時が最高にシビれた。この時には客も入り乱れ祝杯、歓喜の中、無我夢中で踊り合いだ。
その後メインで始まったダチャンボ、相変わらずの激しく楽しく最高のジャムというジャンルを超えたもはやダチャンボと言うジャンルのエレクトリック脳 is Musicを披露。一緒に酒を飲んで語り合ってた友達も前列までダッシュ。割って入り踊り狂ってたのが印象的だった。
日曜日は唯一がっしり見れたのが突然の春風2日前に New で決定されたKILLER-BONGだ。2014の秘境祭でもがっつり見て思ったが「とっちらかってて変態だなあ」と常々。
決して馬鹿にしてるわけでなく。KILLER-BONGのKILLER-BONGとも言うべきベテラン術と変態術でまとめたセットは思わず「アカン!」と連呼。灰野敬二 や メルツバウも大好物な自分にとっては最高の発狂剤となった。このころにはフロアーはかなり盛り上がりきっていた。
As “encounter and reunion” is the main, I could not see the little artists in this time.
There is also a little disappointing feeling
They are own push who KO UMEHARA and Mamazu that played still the best from midfield on Saturday at LOVE STAGE.
KO UMEHARA showed off soft and delicate sets, such as attract the spring of wind, but they showed violently and likes called a storm of spring rather than gradually spring breeze their stage from the middle
Mamazu’s music was gradually continued to build up from deep minimal set and when it has changed suddenly in the Middle East-based techno set in the middle, I was excited best.
Toasted and jumbled at the time in the joy and each other dancing feverishly.
I can’t say enough about the meeting
Once back there was friend who just came back from abroad the day before.
He had come by chance in Harukaze 2016.
I met him for the first time in a few years. I didn’t expect to see in such a form.
Surely it had been displayed the work of flowerpot in a different store by classmate of high school! And LABYRINTH colleagues, coworker, and more, I met them for the first time in about ten years.
More walk if I walk, I met by chance.
Even while I have a break at the store, one after another it has come to visit people to our store. How much was there in person for two days? It was not just thanks to the person who met. It was a series of thank you.
Reunion, farewell, meeting, it was all jammed in Harukaze 2016
What kind of encounter is visiting next year? Already I’m looking forward to the next party.
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