
Sensation Japan 2015 ‘Wicked Wonderland’





しかし世界とまでは言えないが 「空間」 と 「そこに集まる人々」 を一色の白に染めてしまおうと考え行動した者達が居た。

世界一チケット入手困難なフェス 「TOMORROW LAND」 を手がけた 「ID&T」 がそうだ。



それが 「SENSATION(センセーション)」 と言うダンスミュージックフェスティバルだ。

Everything is all white color in the world

I wonder not everyone that was imagined the once world such as such a dream.

The town, people, the sky and all space, the world is composed of all white color.

Needless to say, such a world does not exist. It is within the scope of the area called imagination.

But it can’t be said to the world, there was an actor who can think to let “Space” and “gather people” dye one color of white.

It is “ID & T” who was working “TOMORROW LAND” which the festival is very difficult to get these tickets in the world.

It is really crazy things. I don’t think everyone is trying to do. But he accomplished that.

He changed its imagination to reality.

It was greeted by admiration, delight, excitement and enthusiasm to a lot of fun hope and long for such a festival

And it was also successfully to be sublimed and more awake somebody by bringing the genre called in recent years the most vigorous EDM and trance.

It’s dance music festival which called “SENSATION”.

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It was stated that unique and heterogeneous with this festival is as NO.1 now, about 40,000 guests gathered in the one night, it changed the most difficult monsters festival which to get their tickets.

What began as a one-off in the Amsterdam. After that it was held from 24 countries in the world.

It will find the scale and specific difference of this event.

Anyway, it was decided that the sensation take place at last in Japan. Location is MAKUHARI MESSE.


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そんな訳で今回、我々Green and PeaceはオフィシャルのBARを運営してきた。




Please let me go rather than I must go there!!!

I would like to see all white color.

Our team “Green and Peace” run the official BAR this time in this festival.

More than 20,000 people gathered monster event called “Sensation”, I report its backside.

On the day

We could enter to the venue before the event starts. First, it has been overpowered by the views of the main floor.







Here in Japan? MAKUHARI MESSE? I’ve been excited about the heterogeneous white space makes us to forget that here is Japan.

Before the doors open at the main floor, nothing sound, it is like a grand fantastic similar to India and Thailand temple. It will be should not touch anything and there was a majesty.

As a characteristic of the MAKUHARI MESSE, there is a large separation at the end of the main floor. It has made such as go to the outside and the next location from both ends.

On the back of the main stage, it has been installed a big long bar counter.






しかし、Green and Peace のチーム力、意気込みはバッチリだ。

Can’t be seen from end to end …. I just wonder how long does the bar counter?

A large quantity of liquor was lined up on the counter. Of course, the stuff and bar counter also are white color. Probably, altogether bar stuff will have 100 people. This is going to be on the battlefield is the elephant in the room in the all stuff. I felt everyone have expectations and anxiety both at the same time. However, ”Green and Peace” have great force of team and enthusiasm.




In front of the bar there is the main entrance, I could imagine it will come an avalanche of customers from the entrance. Open the doors started about 30 minutes late. At last for a crowd of whole white people to surge forward in a stampede.








Honesty is the best policy, I laughed too much heterogeneous.

Anyway, there were all white as far as the eye could see. I felt dizzy. When I asked to my friend who said there was a strange atmosphere around the nearest station (KAIHIN MAKUHARI St.) I should just think so. Countless white population comes down from the train. Ordinary people who do not know it would be scary

The venue turned white people in a second.




Basically, many men wear white T-shits and pants style, additional white glasses and ornament. There was brave soul who changes to white color of hair.

Super strong man has been wearing JUDO uniform and HAKAMA (Japanese traditional men’s KIMONO). But basically man’s coordinate have limitation. On one hand, woman’s coordinate have various kinds of. It’ so cute and so lovely!!!

I’m really sorry that it makes an article by man’s point of view article but I admire and follow them. And then forgot my job to serve on the bar.

It’s dangerous.


今回はバー運営の為、写真を撮る余裕が無かったのが本当に残念。 次回は是非カメラマンとして参加したいと心底思った。決してやましい気持ちではない。大丈夫だ。信用して欲しい。誰に向って言ってるのだろう。

ちなみに Twitterにて 「#sensation」 ハッシュタグ検索すると沢山ステキな写真や様子が見れるので次回行く場合の参考にすると良いだろう。

Some group are wearing cloth that are the same style all together each, wearing a white flower decoration, Bunny style, Mickey, Santa Claus, sexy uniform, wedding dress and cover all body by the white feathers, women’s power is really amazing that their soul move only “WHITE”.

It’s really regrettable that there couldn’t take some pictures because I had bar management at this time. I thought sincerely, I want to join as photographer next time.

I have nothing to be ashamed of. Please believe me!!

Please search to Twitter “#sensation”. You can see a lot of pictures of this event.

It will be able to use as reference for your next party.

また会場自体も男性よりも女性の方が多い気がした。普段、クラブやフェスに行かない若い子達も、白でコーディネートして 「楽しそう!遊びに行こう!」 と言う気持ちが働き、初めて来たと言う子も多かったのも事実だ。


I felt there is more woman than men in this festival. Usually, even youth who don’t go to club and festival, make white coordinate by self, move their soul “let’s enjoy”, it is fact there are many guests to come to such a festival first time.

In that sense, it would be a great success as an event to get the newcomer.


「Ladies and Gentleman Welcome to the SENSATION !」 とアナウンスが始まり、ついにスタート。


Venue that was filled with people that was already really hot by excitement.

Everyone has the jumps what time starts. At that time, begins 10 seconds of the countdown from the main floor. People who heard it began to run on the main floor

“Ladies and Gentleman Welcome to the SENSATION !! ”

Finally, Its start!!

Voice of Delight and toast mix, the venue was wrapped in a big cheer. Already 20,000 scales at this time.

まずセンセーションには無くてはならない、Mr White(ミスターホワイト)の登場だ。彼こそSENSATIONの象徴とも言える真っ白なメークが特徴的なDJ。トロピカルでアーバン、メロディアスな選曲で会場を一気に盛り上げた。

First the sensation is indispensable it is appearance of Mr. White.

He is a symbol of SENSATION. He put on make-up by white is distinctive DJ.

Urban, tropical and melodious, such song selection is feeling over the festival ran high at a burst.

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続いての Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano はハウス音楽を中心に会場を湧かせた。メインステージはスモークが噴射したり、映像がめまぐるしく代わり、またステージ自体も回転する。

大きな蝶の羽も出現し、照明の演出と溶け込み、どんどんステージが美しく変化していく。まさにサーカスだ。ここで突然、日本の国歌 「君が代」 が流れたのは笑ってしまった。


Next stage,

Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano were excited the customer around the house music.

There is happen to jet smoke at main stage, image change very fast, and the stage itself turns. The wings of a large butterfly appearance, a fusion into production lighting, it will change beautifully stage more and more. It’s like a circus. Suddenly, the Japanese national anthem “Kimigayo” was flowing I laughed. I feel a little excessive produce, but since all guests are dance wildly, this would be “SENSATION” also probably a great appetite for service spirit.

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そして 1時を手前 に Sander Van Doorn へ。Coldplay や Martin Garrix 等のヴォーカル曲多めの選曲、また「1, 2, 3, 4 Jump!Jump!Jump! Tokyo ~ !!」とマイクで客にパフォーマンスを促し、飛び跳ねる。


Before 1am, to stage of Sander Van Doorn. Vocal music selection such as Coldplay and Martin Garrix.

“1, 2, 3, 4 Jump! Jump! Jump! Tokyo ~ !!” they inspire performance to the customer at a microphone and jump together. It showed me a hot one side as a performer


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ここで、Green and Peaceのバー側はと言うと…。こちらも人、人、人で埋め尽くされて大変な事になっていた。皆予想していた、そう戦場になると…。それが見事に的中。酒とドリンクが目まぐるしく売れていく。しかし忙しいが、たまに客と挨拶、情報交換が交わせるのもバー運営側の魅力だ。「DJずるい!ここまでテンションを上げられたら飲みたくなるじゃん!いっぱいちょうだい♪」 と女性も男性も上機嫌だ。

At that time, at bar side of the Green and Peace it had been filled with people. It had been selling drink with dizzying frequency. However, it is really busy at the moment but we can sometimes talk and information exchange with customers. It is also attraction of bar management side.

“DJ!! That’s not fair. If I am raising the tension I’d like to drink more. Please give me more drink” everyone is glorious.

しかし 正直酒の提供も追いつかないほどの混雑になってしまった。


But it has become a crowded enough not keep up even the provision drink. There is our reflection point this time.



その頃メインフロアでは、 Dannic へと交代、かなりポップな選曲を中心のリミックスを披露。Justin Bieber等もかかり、知ってる子は口ずさむ子も。良い意味で力業的なポップソングが持つ激しいダンス力で会場をさらにヒートアップさせていた。

In that time, take Dannic place on the main floor.Show off the remix of the center a fairly pop music selection

The Remix is selected mainly used in pop music shows off.

In a good sense, furthermore it was allowed to heat up the hall with many pop song has intense dance force.

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最後のファイナルDJは、オランダ界のビックスターDJ、「Laidback Luke」。そのジャンルレスでボーダーの無い、様々な曲をミックスするセンスは圧巻だ。また合間合間にスクラッチを入れたりと客へのパフォーマンスも忘れず見せつける。トリを務めるに相応しいパフォーマンスを披露した。

The last DJ is the Big Star DJ in Netherlands who is called “Laidback Luke”.He has no border of music and the genre-less, besides, he has sense to mix a variety of songs it’s simply overwhelming. He set a scratch in the intervals and not forgot to show off performance to the customer.

He showed off worthy performance as the ultimate DJ.

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もちろん、楽しくて新鮮で最高だった。レポートを書くのに記憶を一つ一つ拾うのにかなり時間がかかった程…笑 2016年も開催するのかまだ未定だが、次もぜひ参加したいと思うイベントだった。

ULTRA JAPANと並ぶ、人気屈指なイベントになるのは間違いないだろう。


Found myself, it had already come in the morning. The big party “SENSATION” finished.

It was angry waves, amazement and mysterious, it’s simply overwhelming.

Of course, it was a fun, fresh and fantastic.

When I make this article, it was a long way to pick up from my memory.

Whether it will be held also 2016 undecided, next also was sure the event that wants to participate.

Much the same as ULTRA JAPAN, it is certain that SENSATION will be a popular one of the events.

Of course, we cleared off the hall to the last. See you next time.





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