八王子弁慶村での「Handmade (記事はこちら)」も大成功を納め、シーンでの地位を着実に作り上げてきた「ELEC-TION」。
その ELEC-TION が原点であり主戦場でもある所沢航空記念公園にて2016年4月10日、野外パーティーを開催した。
“ELEC-TION” has been steadily built up its position in the scene who also a great success “Handmade(here)”in Hachioji Benkei village.
It was held outdoor party at Tokorozawa Aviation Memorial Park which of ELEC-TION is the origin and the main battlefield as well in 10th April 2016.
While it flakes petals of cherry blossoms, also it made an ally of weather.
Sound, space and human synchronize high level of high-density and it was a great party which is prohibited the quality of ELEC-TION have improved one step again.
今回 Green and Peace はキッズスペースを担当する事になり、ただ預かる、見るだけではなくELEC-TIONと言う空間に沿ったステキな場所にしようと数週間前から各自メンバーが動いてくれた。ELEC-TIONとしても初のキッズスペース。
Green and Peace was in charge of the Children’s Playground.
Not just to keep them and not just to look them, each member moved from a few weeks ago who tried to a nice place along the space of ELEC-TION.The First Children’s Playground as ELEC-TION.
They would be each anxiety, expectations and speculation.
However, it became more essential space seems inevitably rather ” Why is there not until now!?”
自負に限らず ELEC-TION が終わった後、
実際、遊んでくれたキッズ達が帰りにわざわざ自分の所に来て抱きしめながら「お兄ちゃん、ありがとう♪」と言ってくれたのが何よりも嬉しかった。しかしキッズよ。キッズ達よ。テンションが上がり過ぎて棒で人 (俺)を叩いちゃダメ。笑。
Spread the toys in the space, everyone exited.
And as a work shop, they painted the color and draw a picture on the stone together.
Indeed Idea of children!!
How to use the color and painting patterns which was the original and fresh.
It was interesting to watch that members of lecturer had got the artistic sense from children. “Why do you use that color!? “ “Oh! Wow! It is the good sense!!”
In all honesty, Participating in the party with the children is a high degree of difficulty.
Once a child is bored and tired in the middle of the party, we are finished also.
Their parents also can’t move and only go back home. After all, it’s a good idea that has space to play with parents also relax children. This Children’s Playground would like to pride that was a great success.
After the ELEC-TION is finished,
“We were able to best enjoy this party ever♪ Always children is tired and we go back home around 2pm~3pm. We could have a long time than usual, thanks to this space. ”
“I was in trouble there was no place to give mother’s milk and space to change the diapers.
But there was a children’s space in this time. It was saved true”
We could get many guest testimonials.
When their kids go back home they go out of their way to run up to me and hug me. And then they said THANK YOU to me” It was happy more than anything.
But KIDS!! KIDS!! It’s not a good one to hit by the stick when you are in high spirit too much (^_^;)
また来場する側もそれにより安心して遊びに来る事ができ、どのフェスでも筋金入りの好事家達 や 古くから参加している者たちが結婚し、子を持ち、家庭を築き、大所帯で来る光景も目にするようにもなっている。周り回ってそれを見た若者が「楽しそう♪」とパーティーに足を運んでくれる。
つまりは「ホスピタリティの具現化」 がどのフェスでも必須となり、あちらこちらで見られる様になってきた。それがキッズスペースやワークショップによる子供も参加・体験できる野外パーティーとしての形態だ。排除するのでは無く受け入れる、暴れるのではなく包み込む。本来ダンスミュージックが持つ魅力や野外としての開放的な要素が実を結び、ようやく近代のフェスやレイブへの方向性と答えが見えてきたのではないだろうか。
こういった実験的でクリエイティブな空間創りに関われている事に感謝してます。今後も機会あればGreen and Peaceでのキッズスペースをやっていきたい。
Recently, festivals and rave, party of the open air is obviously up an age bracket, regardless of a greater or lesser extent of the party.
If we have how to use the sad words, it has decreased every year where you can hold a party. It is getting difficult more and more to break new customers by “Reduction of the party as a place” and” Young people of the music away.”
There is inevitably limited that age to come to the party. But it is also an angle of the unilateral one-sided surface. In another side, if we can have a multilaterally angle it means to come up to the quality as the times go by.
As management and to cause a creative side, it seems to be held in high quality and own originality as each festival by a stack of technology, reliability and operational force year after year.
Also the visitor side can come to have fun in peace.
It was getting to catch sight of that those who have participated for a long time in any festival married, have children, make a home and come to the festival at big party
A number of times only to return, when they felt to look like it the fun, young people come to the party.
It is slowly but I think that is becoming such a circulation.
In other words “Realization of Hospitality” is essential in any festival also. It has become as seen here and there. That is the form of as outdoor party that children also can participate and experience by a children’s space and a workshops. Accept rather than to eliminate, swallow up them rather than struggle. Charm of the original dance music and open-minded elements of the outdoors is beginning to bear fruit. I seem to have been seen direction and answers to the modern festivals and laves.
I am grateful to the things that concern in like this experimental and creative space planning. I want to make at the Children’s Playground by the Green and Peace if we have the opportunity in the future.
Thank you say to mothers, fathers and kids who use our Children’s Playground.
また今回の ELEC-TION の音に関して言えば ゲストで DJ Jit & Ammit、KO UMEHARAを迎えた事により、ある意味 ELEC-TION らしからぬ素晴らしいラインナップとなったと思う。
今回たまたまの人選だったかも知れないが自分にとっては少しだけ ELEC-TION の新しい音への未来の方向性が垣間見えた。
So to say about the sound of this time of ELEC-TION, I think I became a great lineup unusual ELEC-TION by greeting with DJ Jin & Ammit and KO UMEHARA.
Although it becomes a personal opinion, as I am a lover LABYRINTH, there is a turning point of LABYRINTH as well. It began to shift to the techno direction from trance and hard progressive border with 2005.
Although it may select by chance this time it was a glimpse future direction of the new sound of ELEC-TION for me.
12:00-12:50 yuge
12:50-13:50 教授
13:50-14:50 DJ Jit & Ammi
14:50-15:50 KO UMEHARA
15:50-16:00 clean time
16:00-17:00 HIROKI & Naoto
DJ Jit & Ammit は今回初見だったが yuga → 教授の堅くエッジの効いたハードなテクノやトランス方面からBPMはそのままに一端落ち着かせてからの激しくも繊細なウワモノの飛ばし系が入るセットを披露。この空間を飛ばす展開は自分的にドンピシャだった。あまりネットでも情報が出てこないが、ぜひ次回も見たいアーティストだ。
KO UMEHARAは今回最も ELEC-TION らしからぬ人選だ。実は自身 KO UMEHARA (以下コウ君)とは昔からの友達でもあり今回の ELEC-TION に初参戦を聞いた時は「なぜ…?」と思ってしまったのは事実だ(笑)。
「今回どんなセットにしようかな~。」と、悩んではいたが、実際に始まってみたら Jit & Ammit の交代からシームレスに持っていった展開が素晴らしく、ある意味そのまま Jit & Ammit のピークタイムかと思うくらいの激しいテクノセットを披露。
その後も手を緩めず、今回はトランシーでトライバルなアプローチで客を大いに沸かせた。コウ君もここまでアゲるセットは久しぶりだったようだ。さすがELEC-TION 、常にアゲる意識が高いイベント、それに呼応されたのだなと。
またメインステージを中心に会場を彩る素晴らしいデコレーションは KANOYA PROJECT による演出だ。
Although DJ Jin & Ammit was the first look at this time for me, it showed off the set once calm and vigorously delicate sound from acted hard edge hard techno and trance direction of yuge→教授. It is exactly for me to deployment skip this space. Although there doesn’t come out their information on the net, I want to look for the artist at the next time also
KO UMEHARA is the most unusual ELEC-TION selection in this time.
Actually I’m an old friend with KO UMEHARA (below Mr.KO) and when I heard the first race in this time of ELEC-TION, it is true that had thought “Why …?”(^_^;)
It was a good thing that can be a long talking from a long time of reunion. We could talk story of friends, foolish talk and until recent years of clubs and festivals circumstances. It was very excited to be able to speak deeply by a long time of the encounter.
“How make the set in ELEC-TION?” he thought about it. But well it started on the stage it is wonderfully deployment from change of Jit & Ammit to seamlessly. He showed hard techno set seem that I felt the peak time of Jit & Ammit.
He makes usually like that specializes in style as the base gradually atmospheric techno tracks, also introduces the folk music and ambient elements. As it is his specialty style, I laughed rather this deployment was surprised for me. Indeed he is a professional
Then he didn’t loosen his hand and he excited the crowd by the approach of trance and tribal. It seems that Mr.KO has been excited like that set a long time.
The great decorated the venue in the center of the main stage was directed by KANOYA PROJECT.
It became a special ELEC-TION experience that I want to come with next time as well.
今回は「和」を基調とした空間デザインが素晴らしく、DJにも特別なパワーを与えるかの様な力強い傘の色調使いが素晴らしかった。他にも目を向けるとマッサージやハンモックがあり踊り疲れたら癒される空間を ELEC-TION が設けていたのも好印象だった。
結果、今回今までの ELEC-TION の中で一番のパーティーになったのでは無いだろうか。
次回もぜひ参加したいと想う特別な ELEC-TION 体験となった。
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