3月9日にインドネシアのスラウェシ島で皆既日食が観測できることは当サイトでも既に特集していますが、それにあわせて開催されるパーティー「ECLIPSE FESTIVAL 2016 SULAWESI INDONESIA」がいよいよ盛り上がりを見せてきました。日本からも沢山の方がパーティーに参加されると思います。今回はイベントのオーガナイザーLaurentさんにコンタクトをとり、パーティーの見どころや安全面などを聞いてみました。参加される方は安全面などが非常に気になると思います。必見です!!
Green And Peace : What is a point worthy of note in this festival from the viewpoint of organizer?
Laurent : The focus of the festival is the total solar eclipse that will happen on the morning of March 9th. It is one of the longest in the history of the earth with nearly 3minutes of totality. Also our program is very rich and diverse. We have over 100 artists and performers across 3 stages as well as a rich cultural, workshop and healing program.
Green And Peace : Time table of this party
Laurent :The detailed timetable has not been released yet as we are still confirming some local cultural acts. Generally, the music will start on the night of the 7th and go until the evening of the 11th.
Green And Peace : Is there For beginner whom to join such an event ?
Laurent :The program of the event is nearly 24hours a day. The music on each stage only stops for about 2-3 hours a day. Again it depends what you are interested in but I would expect that most people would sleep at night when it is cooler of if you have enough energy and wake up at dawn to take part in activities or workshops or see their favorite acts.
Green And Peace : How do you think notice point in this site about danger?
Laurent :The event is organized in collaboration with the Indonesian government and they will provide protection of the event. It is the biggest tourist event to come to this region and many officials from the government will visit the site so the security level will be high.
Green And Peace : How often will the shuttle run from the airport to the site and from Palu city to the site?
Laurent : The site is only 15mins away from the airport. The shuttles will be running constantly between the site and the airport.
Green And Peace : The safety of Sulawesi, Palu and the site. Is there consideration for taking one’s child?
Laurent : Palu is visited by tourists who are interested in diving as it has a rich marine life and beautiful beaches. It is fine to travel with your child although if you are camping in the festival, you should have some previous experience doing this to know how to prepare.
Green And Peace : Will you insert Palu city map on your website? We want to know about the city information. Where can we buy our food at the city?
Laurent :No we will not. There is enough information on the internet. Food will be available at the festival. There are over 20 different vendors, both local and international, selling food at the event.
Green And Peace :About our belongings What do you recommend the good item?
Laurent :Mosquito repellent. Flash light. Sun cream. Water bottle. Warmer clothes for night time.
Green And Peace : How much do we need our food and water?
Laurent :You don’t need to bring your own. You can buy everything at the festival.
Green And Peace : How rate do you have the reservation status by country?
Laurent :After Australians, Japanese are our biggest customers.
Green And Peace : Is there any activity around the site?
Laurent :There are many things to do in Sulawesi. You can visit Toraja where people still live to ancient tribal customs or the Bada Valley where there are ancient megaliths that date back before our recorded history. Palu has some nice beaches and rich marine life for fans of diving and snorkeling. You can also travel to Manado and swim in a crystal clear ocean with volcanoes coming out of the sea in front of you.
Green And Peace : What do you recommend how to enjoy in this festival.
Laurent :The program of the event is very diverse from electronic music to live music to cultural performances as well as workshops and healing. Depending on what you are into, I would recommend you check the schedule when you arrive and plan well enough to get enough rest and enjoy as many things as possible.
(Green and Peace interviewer :Aki I)
Laurent : The focus of the festival is the total solar eclipse that will happen on the morning of March 9th. It is one of the longest in the history of the earth with nearly 3minutes of totality. Also our program is very rich and diverse. We have over 100 artists and performers across 3 stages as well as a rich cultural, workshop and healing program.
Green And Peace : Time table of this party
Laurent :The detailed timetable has not been released yet as we are still confirming some local cultural acts. Generally, the music will start on the night of the 7th and go until the evening of the 11th.
Green And Peace : Is there For beginner whom to join such an event ?
Laurent :The program of the event is nearly 24hours a day. The music on each stage only stops for about 2-3 hours a day. Again it depends what you are interested in but I would expect that most people would sleep at night when it is cooler of if you have enough energy and wake up at dawn to take part in activities or workshops or see their favorite acts.
Green And Peace : How do you think notice point in this site about danger?
Laurent :The event is organized in collaboration with the Indonesian government and they will provide protection of the event. It is the biggest tourist event to come to this region and many officials from the government will visit the site so the security level will be high.
Green And Peace : How often will the shuttle run from the airport to the site and from Palu city to the site?
Laurent : The site is only 15mins away from the airport. The shuttles will be running constantly between the site and the airport.
Green And Peace : The safety of Sulawesi, Palu and the site. Is there consideration for taking one’s child?
Laurent : Palu is visited by tourists who are interested in diving as it has a rich marine life and beautiful beaches. It is fine to travel with your child although if you are camping in the festival, you should have some previous experience doing this to know how to prepare.
Green And Peace : Will you insert Palu city map on your website? We want to know about the city information. Where can we buy our food at the city?
Laurent :No we will not. There is enough information on the internet. Food will be available at the festival. There are over 20 different vendors, both local and international, selling food at the event.
Green And Peace :About our belongings What do you recommend the good item?
Laurent :Mosquito repellent. Flash light. Sun cream. Water bottle. Warmer clothes for night time.
Green And Peace : How much do we need our food and water?
Laurent :You don’t need to bring your own. You can buy everything at the festival.
Green And Peace : How rate do you have the reservation status by country?
Laurent :After Australians, Japanese are our biggest customers.
Green And Peace : Is there any activity around the site?
Laurent :There are many things to do in Sulawesi. You can visit Toraja where people still live to ancient tribal customs or the Bada Valley where there are ancient megaliths that date back before our recorded history. Palu has some nice beaches and rich marine life for fans of diving and snorkeling. You can also travel to Manado and swim in a crystal clear ocean with volcanoes coming out of the sea in front of you.
Green And Peace : What do you recommend how to enjoy in this festival.
Laurent :The program of the event is very diverse from electronic music to live music to cultural performances as well as workshops and healing. Depending on what you are into, I would recommend you check the schedule when you arrive and plan well enough to get enough rest and enjoy as many things as possible.